I love it when books announce that they're "Never Before Published"! Gosh, really?!
Poll time: are those pecks or rolls of fat?
De gustibus non est disputandum. There's no accounting for taste.
I love it when books announce that they're "Never Before Published"! Gosh, really?!
Poll time: are those pecks or rolls of fat?
LOL. I immediately thought they were rolls of fat. Very poorly illustrated, and not nearly as ... um... attractive as the werestag.
i vote for the fat rolls
His shoulders are out of proportion for his waist. Awful book cover. I'd guess steroids and a giant sword to compensate for a teeny whatever.
Ha ha the first thing I thought was "what's with those guys abs...or lack thereof?"
I vote for some sort of alien carapace. I don't think he's human. The proportions are off all over his body.
Either that, or when they squinched down his entire body between the neck and the sternum, those are the folds that resulted.
My first thought was "why the heck is he *touching* the blade??" The acidity from fingers on what is most definitely NOT stainless steel (cuz that would break during fighting) will leave permanent marks on his weapon. Then again, maybe he's the sort who cleans up immediately after... Oh, I'm sorry, was I supposed to be looking at something besides the badly rendered blade? I'm a total geek.
Hey, I actually like that cover!
"Never before published" works best with authors like Nora Roberts, where publishers are fond of republishing the author's older works and readers are less than pleased if they get duped into buying something they're already read before. Or maybe even already own.
I love Robin D. Owens's stuff, but this cover is just ick. True, they don't have him ripping the clothes off the heroine, but, if they're going to go with a "guy only" cover, shouldn't they try to make the guy look attractive and, well, not made of badly formed plastic?
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