Putting aside the big phallicy things in the background (Devil's Tower, a twister, AND broken penis towers? Overkill!), and the super-cheesy superhero getup, I have one question for you, dear Judge a Book readers, my only friends, my dear ones...
Are those nipples???
OMG! I just found this blog because someone posted a link over at GeekaChicas, and I've spent all morning giggling like a loony. Thank you so much for what you do, dear!
I'm going to feature a link to your blog on GeekChicas main page. because it seems like just the thing our audience would really enjoy.
I presume you mean on the girl sneaking up on our hero with a knife. Sure looks like it.
Thanks, Capewood, I spent awhile looking at our hero, trying to make out where those alleged nipples were. It was sort of like a magic eye puzzle for me, and since I was never good at those anyway . . .
Are you sure that's even a woman in the background? Looks like a 12 year old boy to me. Course I suppose it could always be a future super model. God knows viewed naked from the waist up it's hard to tell the difference between a 12 year old boy and a female supermodel.
"Why yes, this is my laser nipple," the proud hero states.
NIPPLES?!?! WHERE?!? (Wow, Lyndee. Get off your duff and go outside.)
Huh. I usually love this artist's stuff, but this is a stinker of a painting.
Maybe I'm just defensive, because this was the early not-quite-his-best work of one of my favorite artists, but I don't see the nipples.
It could be either a girl or a boy sneaking up on him, at least as far as the plot goes. I'm really not sure which it is either, and I actually own a copy of the book to use for reference.
Oh, forgot to mention. This book (really, it's three books collected in one volume) is definitely sci-fi, not fantasy, so you may want to adjust the label.
Keep up the great work with the blog. If my bookstore job ever gives me hours again, I'll resume my hunt for stuff to send to you.
Oh, that one's not as bad as Timerdivers Dawn, which features a man who looks completely constipated.
And the book's not much better. I'm fond of Modesitt's work, but many of his early novels fell short.
He he he. I like how the author's name almost looks like Modest. Yeah right.
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