
Phriday Hall of Phame (and Shame!)

I...I just don't know what to say about the following cover, sent to me by the kind people at Powell's Books* in Phort...erm, Portland. It is the most phallic cover I've ever seen (and, let me tell ya, I've seen a lot of phallic covers!). Every single element in this cover is phallic. As Dot from Powell's put so aptly, "may I present to you the hairy vulgarity of Neal Barrett Jr's Stress Pattern."

Also from Dot:

I think that the detail that inspires the fiercest unholy shuddering, personally, is those tufts of wiry pubic hair wriggling out from the beast itself. But yes, I could envision this cover as a Highlights magazinesque "How Many Phalluses Can You Spot? Find and Circle Them All!" feature.

Personally, I'm finding the little guys who are shaped like penises to be the most abhorrent, myself. Or maybe the human's hat?

*Powell's is an awesome bookstore that earns the seal of approval of this blog. Yay, independents! Beat off the one-breasted bitch!


writtenwyrdd said...

This is worse than the cover of God Emperor of Dune.


xenobiologista said...

I was just going to say the same thing. I didn't think you could get more Phallic Phriday than the giant sandworm.

Leigh Russell said...

Help needed!
Due to a glitch in amazon.uk's system, I seem to have written the only crime thriller in the UK that doesn't appear on amazon.co.uk All my publisher's other titles are listed and my book can be ordered from all other online suppliers, including amazon.com. There is no reason to exclude my title and Amazon.uk refuse to explain themselves.
I'm an insignificant individual, powerless to influence this huge organisation, but their indifference has incensed me. I'm attempting to battle amazon.uk's injustice by asking readers in teh USA to order my inexpensive paperback from amazon.com. If you would be kind enough to consider supporting my campaign against a faceless corporation, please check out my blog for details of Cut Short by Leigh Russell.

Nicole "Gidget" Kalstein said...



*opens mouth, can't think of adequate words to describe horror, so just lets out a pathetic whimper...*

LostinManc said...

And there was me thinking my latest - http://slavesofsolitude.blogspot.com/ - was all about shame. How wrong I was!!

warren said...

Yay, independents! Beat off the one-breasted bitch!

Given this is a Phallic Phriday entry, I think the term "beat off" is a poor choice of words.

Anonymous said...


Good god almightly, Amazon, if you want to dump books dump this one. It's gross beyond descrption.

BikerPuppy said...

O.M.G. Wow. That's a ... winner.

the.effing.librarian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the.effing.librarian said...

I can't believe those people appear to be waiting to board it; like they climb on top, grab a tuft of hair and hang on.

But hey, pubic transportation is safer than driving.

(Yes, I meant to write that.)

Jacintha said...

Are all the teeny people...pregnant?!

Alexander Field said...

How could the cover artists not have created this on purpose...this had to have been published by DAW with a wink and a smile...it's just too...WOW.

Buck said...

Iffy cover, but the novel itself is pretty good...

chicken lips said...

oh. my. gawd.

high.on.markers said...

so that's how seamonkeys get around!

Anonymous said...
