
In a shameless theft from Retrospace, I present to you Heloise's Work and Money Savers:

Zombies have stopped craving brains, and are now trying to get us to recycle. I just love how they've paginated the title to fit her head. I feel like there should be another word in there hidden by her '70s hair. What word could it be, do you think?


Alpha Stone said...

Judge a Book by its Cover has license to "steal" anytime! :-)

Jean said...

That is an utterly bizarre photo.

Rex Parker said...

Give her a break. You'd look nuts too if you just drank all that soda.

She's also saving money on bras.

Recycling is always best done with a Radio Flyer, preferably while wearing hot pants.


Mary B said...

And heels. More time for make up and working our in heels.


JamiSings said...

Actually, except for the weird "surprise alien anal probe" look on her face and the horizontal stripes on her shirt, I kind of like the way she looks. Though seriously, ladies, even though I can't stand Clinton & Stacy, and I've never watched anything with Tim Gunn except five minutes of him on Oprah, I agree with all three when they say "Never wear horizontal stripes!"

kcunning said...

That look?

"OMG have to pee NOW"

BikerPuppy said...

Is that a Gina Davis or a blow up doll with a wig?

ccr in MA said...

Given the zombie idea, the hair-hidden word must be "brains"!

Sexy Sadie said...

Gotta be a man in drag. That's obviously a wig.