Thanks to Larry, who sent me this cover, I now look at this kinda cool goth cover and see kiddy porn. Anyone with me? Yeah, some folks over here: http://www.orbitbooks.net/2009/02/23/cover-launch-tempest-rising/
(the editor (?) tries to defend it by saying she's too "curvy" to be a kid but, damn, this could be a cover for Lolita, yo!)
Oof. Looks like bad knock-off Tara MacPherson.
Even though the characters are suppose to be 20 somethings, I agree it does look like kiddie porn. Or rather "barely legal teens" or "teens just going through puberty." It needs to be redone and right away. The person who drew it and the moron who approved it both need therapy as well. They obviously have "issues."
Nicole Peeler's Facebook page now has a more demure version of this cover, with the waif's breasts further obscured by hair. Perhaps they are balking at the "kiddie porn" accusation....
Teehee. The author's name is Peeler. Teehee. Peel Her. Like they did for the pic.
Yep - goth-anime-kiddieporn; that about covers it.
I'm more worried about the sea lion.. do they kill it in the book? does it try to get too frisky with the nymph when she swims in the moonlight?
I don't think she looks that young, but the art looks like something you find airbrushed on the side of a 1975 Dodge van. "Tempest Rising Rocks."
I feel very badly for the author.
The cover is a mess. Too many elements, too many animals.
The cartoonified gal with a vacant 'whatever' look on her face.
There is no energy here, it's all passive and . . . meh. The book title implies 'something wicked this way comes', but she looks about as evil as Hello Kitty.
Putting boobs on otherwise child-like girls is a standard dodge for advertising images.
It's like all the anime/manga stuff that proclaims, as loudly as possible, that all characters are such-and-such age (if it's just a romantic title, anywhere from 15+, if it's something with "on-screen sex" then 18+), even though everybody, or at least the girls, doesn't look any older than 12. And sometimes 12 is generous.
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