Okay, saw this today on Smart Bitches, Trashy Books and just had to had to HAD TO post it for your enjoyment. Sorry for the size of the picture, but look at the size of this guy's...ummmm...turret!

Hung like a horse??
De gustibus non est disputandum. There's no accounting for taste.
Whoa, talk about a happy trail. That's a happy, HAPPY trail.
Is that a tower in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
It's a turgid turret...
This is awesomely hilarious!
I love that site!!!
GENIUS!!! One of the best Phallic covers yet!
I love everything about it...the pecs, the strategically placed Phallic Tower, the sexy purple smoke, the shadow of the "werestag" in his flapping white shirt...
I have never seen a guy be so sexually objectified. It's perfect.
I want to blow up the picture of this cover and hang it on my wall.
He's not hung like a horse. He's hung like a stag.
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