
Vote for ME!!!

Vote here for me. I'm nominated in the Special Interest Category. More Mammaries and Phalluses for everyone!


Alpha Stone said...

Check. :-)

Cathy said...


Anonymous said...

Good Luck!!

I know that there's nothing better than penises (or is it penii?) on book covers to make you win a contest!!!

rsynnott said...

I like the way you capitalise those; looks like a Victorian cookbook.

Marla said...

Yay, I am happy to vote for you. I gotta complain though: the poll lists you as "Judge a Book By It's Cover" and that is very disappointing.

Miss Maggie said...

Marla---aargh, that's one of my pet peeves! Grrrrr.

Rex Parker said...

I voted for you, but ...

It's it's it's! And these are (alleged) book people.

I still hope you win.
