
Titles That Took Some Thought

Today's post is a tribute to those poor, under-paid souls who try their hardest to put together a catchy, snappy, pick-me-up-and-buy-me title. These are the ones that have, sadly, missed the mark. Mucho thankos to Michael who sent me here, from whence I shamelessly stole all of these books.
Yes. Yes it is.

Not only am I depressed, but I'm a complete idiot, too. Thanks, Dr. McGrath.

I like pinochle, myself.

And finally, the grand daddy of bad book titles:

Coprophagia for children, yum yum.


nem0 said...

Oh my goodness, my grandma used to have a copy of Games You Can Play with Your Pussy. It's... just as bad as the title and illustration would suggest. Though I have to admit, most of the double entendres skipped right over my head when I was six years old and thought it was just a goofy book about cats playing really weird games.

Snow said...

nem0, was Russian Roulette one of the games?

Anonymous said...

Games You Can Play With Your Pussy must belong to Mrs. Slocombe from Are You Being Served? :) Love, Sexy Sadie

yellojkt said...

"Alternative Medicine For Dummies" is fairly redundant.

Mac said...

There's an "Idiot's Guide to Picking up Girls" on a table at my library, though so far nobody has asked me to catalog it.

Dave Fragments said...

I have a copy of "How to Shit in the Woods" ...
It doesn't have poo on the cover but it does have bare legs.

yellojkt said...

Dave f.,
I've read that book. It's serious but very funny. It's written for deep back woods hikers.

Anonymous said...

Here's another one from a long time ago -- how the language has changed!


the.effing.librarian said...

You need to add Baby Names for Dummies (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xynr48xtL._SS500_.jpg)... which sounds like a really insensitive book:
"Your baby looks like a dummy; you should name him Cletus."

Unknown said...

I saw a Winnie the Pooh Halloween banner the other day that showed the bear with a pumpkin and on it was written: "Pooh O Lantern."

Gggh... stupid... Disney...

Unknown said...

I picked on "Homeschooling for Dummies" a while back... my reaction was: If you are reaching for this book, you may want to reconsider. One dummy in the family is plenty.

Anonymous said...

"Alternative Medicine for Dummies" - that's certainly aiming at the right demographic.