De gustibus non est disputandum. There's no accounting for taste.
Kinky Kids
Caffeinated Donut tells me that (s)he "found Kinky Kids in my brother's room about a year ago." The question I'm sure we all want answered is what your brother was doing with kinky kids. Or, well, maybe we don't want that answered... Is that G. W. and Laura? Damn, I wish Jenna and Babs had done this years ago, the world would be a better place!
I worked in a public library. I saw literally thousands of books every week; the good, the bad, and the truly hideous. These are the covers from the latter category. Joining me (Maughta) is the ever-popular pinch hitter (and handy husband) DocTurtle.
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I wonder if they stole the handcuffs from under their parents' bed?
Oh, those silly Anglos!
Seriously, that family's whiter than white.
oh..anyeay nice post i like it
jasmine celion
What I want to know is how the kid cuffed his dad while the dad was running on the treadmill. o.O
It's Dubya on a treadmill!
Wow.... isn't this book illegal in most states?
You guys are a bunch of morons! The book says Kidnap Kids.
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