I have a whole host of books backing up for your enjoyment and will get to them presently. For right now, however, I'll leave you with these pictures from reader Snow, who is in Phallic Phriday withdrawal and is seeing "them" everywhere! The horror!
From Snow:
Miss Maughta, I miss Phallic Phriday, but I haven't been to a bookstore (or library) in ages. I did go to "America's Country Store" yesterday for birdseed and cat food, though. From the attached photos you'd have thought I went to Good Vibes.

By the way, these are ergonomically designed. Ah. That's what they call it these days.

Snow: I wonder what the folks at Lowe's thought of you standing in Aisle 8, giggling like a maniac, as you took pictures of trowel handles (no doubt muttering "Phallic Phriday...Phallic Phriday..." over and over).
Whoa—what exactly ARE those?
Those are some crazy looking handles! I spent 5 minutes staring at the pic, trying to figure exactly what there were
Garden trowels. Seriously. Here's a link: http://www.lifewithease.com/radius.html
There are even different styles because, as you know, different strokes for different folks.
Quotes regarding the Natural Radius Grip:
"Radius hand tools maximize power and comfort while minimizing hand and wrist stress. ... The Natural Radius Grip (NRG) supports a wrist-neutral position."
"NRG handles are made with Santoprene™, a non-latex thermoplastic providing high performance and comfort. It offers a high coefficient of friction for secure grip- wet or dry. "
And Docturtle, the other folks at the shop we're too busy petting the kittens to notice me whipping out my cell phone in the garden took aisle.
Dang it. We have two of these trowels, given out as door gifts to a fund raising gala for a gardening organization. Now I won't be able to use them without thinking about Phallic Phriday.
I'm not so sure about the ergonomic design of them, but the blades on the trowels are excellent, sharp and lightweight. All the better to force open some holes with, I guess.
Until I read the comments, I really thought these were, um, a goil's best friend. The trowel part looked like weird packaging. Or a phone cradle...
"NRG handles are made with Santoprene™, a non-latex thermoplastic providing high performance and comfort. It offers a high coefficient of friction for secure grip- wet or dry. "
That description could definitely do double duty for the vibrations usage!
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