OMG, have I been neglecting you fine people! I have no excuse. Well, I could probably make up an excuse, but it would involve the CIA and black helicopters, and I'd have to kill you. Of course, DocTurtle tells me that I probably don't have any readers anymore, so I could make up all the lies I want. Y'see, there were these Ecuador...and a blimp...a biiiiiiig pink blimp...and you were there, and you and you! But I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow! And Mrs. King!
Okay, seriously, I went to Montana in that time and visited my in-laws for Thanksgiving. So we brought the camera, but did I take pictures of Peggy and Loren (DocTurtle's folks)? No. How about Brad (DocTurtle's brother) and his fiancee, Sarah (hello future sister in-law in-law!)? Of course not! Did we even take pictures of Peggy and Loren's three birds; Squak who used to sit on my shoulder but doesn't come down much anymore, Phoenix who haaaaaates me and waits to ambush me when I come into the room from the bathroom, or Cheeky the newby bird? Nah, who wants pictures of adorable parrots. Did I take pictures of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE USED BOOKSTORE? You bet your ass I did!
Now, I'm a book snob. And a used book store connoisseur. So you know if I have a favorite, it's gotta be fucking awesome, right? So here's the bookstore that Richard runs:
And here's Richard:
If you're ever travelling through Helena, go to Van Nice Books at 216 E Lyndale Ave. You won't regret it. I promise!
So you may be asking yourself, "Self, what does this have to do with book covers?" Well, here's what I found at Van Nice's:
Iggy Pop! In armor! And whiteface! Totally freaking me out!!!

Ah, the joys of self-publication. What I want to know is, did the author paint this picture, too? 'Cause if the book is as bad as the cover it might be fun to read!
I also took some pictures of a totally cool spontaneous art explosion that was happening in a potted plant near the Starbucks (damn you, and your irresistible peppermint mochas!) in the Detroit Airport. If you're headed through there, check it out!

Stay tuned for more covers. I promise! Now stop nagging me, Maughtamom.
Hey, you still have at least one reader! Me!
I do not wat to know what Iggy is going to "sunder" with that sword. Was that sci-fi, or fantasy, or...?
I'm glad to see that Iggy has gained a few pound and moved up from sack of bones to merely emaciated.
previous comment was from Maughtamom, it would only post if I used anonymous
Yay! She's back!
I love how the Red Stags of Munster is totally just American Gothic.
The Red Stags of Munster people look like they're whistling. The sundering guy looks like he should be a Death Eater. What does sundering mean? Is it like tendering?
Richard, I love your store, and possibly, you. But it's mostly about the books, so don't get alarmed/excited.
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