So I'm lookin' up the Publisher's Weekly Best Books of the Year and notice that they've mentioned a book that I noted a while back deserved JaBBIC treatment. How I could have gone this long without bringing it to your attention is beyond me! No more dithering! I present you wtih The Name of the Wind.

Ah, yes, THRUST into the wind, my fiery-haired young gypsy, holding your instrument lightly in your left hand (everyone's favorite masturbating hand, yes?). Sigh. The tragic consequences that occur when Carrot Top and Slash have a child.
Carrot Top & Slash!!! That's bloody brilliant ... and spot on accurate.
Now we just need someone with a flash animator to upload an .mpeg of Slash morphing into Carrot Top.
Of course I would be more interested Phallic Phriday but you put me on notice that I was also interested in Mammery Monday. Now you have people guestioning my orientation. I'm just happy to see new posts. By the way, "normal" people use their right hand. Maughtamom
A book about an overgrown leprechaun who carries his sword in a way that's supposed to make us think of a part of his body? Lame! And funny!
That's the best description of a bad cover you've done yet. A coffee snorted out nose moment, that!
Now Maughta, what's up with your mom giving you masturbating tips? Why isn't my mom that cool? (And my mom's pretty cool.)
Oh my! I have probably walked by/shelved this book at least a dozen times and never noticed.
Yay, I win the award for cool mom. I told you I was cool. Maughtamom
Is it just me, or does he look like Patrick Swayze?
It's not just you. I'm sure there's some dirty dancing in the book. (By the way, has anyone read this one? It's gotten good reviews, I think.)
I finally got around to reading this book and I have to say, it's much better than the cover.
Read the book, you'll be pleasantly surprised. And possibly ashamed of yourselves. This is one you actually can't judge by the cover. And I don't even read in the genre anymore.
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