This is not funny. It's not hip. It's not even ironic. It's just mean. Maybe I've been spending a little too much time at http://www.cuteoverload.com/ (sure to send anyone, even the straightest of men, into an estrogen-fueled cooing). But lapin-kabobs? Not cool at all. For shame.
I don't know why the above book pisses me off so much and the following sexist, completely-historically-inaccurate (they did not wear heels/stockings/dresses/garters like that in whenever-the-fuck-this-takes-place!) how-many-dukes-can-there-possibly-be-that-romance-novelists-have-not-written-about?! cover, but it does. Must be the cute fuzzy-wuzzy bunnietoes (the bunny's toes, not the future duchess's).
Housekeeping: I've added a link to http://www.librarything.com/ on the side there with a random list of books in my library. I'm keeping track of all the books I've read and I'm up to 25 since Oct. 6th. Maybe that's why I've been so sparse in posting lately? Anyway, I love LibraryThing, and encourage you to start your own library. Have I ever steered you wrong? (Don't answer that!)