Guess so.
To my right I feature the ever popular Eric Van Lustbader (that's a name of a porn star if I've ever heard one...something like Schlong Wars: A New Poke) with his lusty-reading-wench-with-feral-raccoon. So I personally see a ring of what looks like at least 12 dragons etched into the wall behind our low-cut lass. Twelve is better than five, I guess.
Just what I'm looking for in a sci-fi novel.
That chair looks extremely uncomfortable. And what's with Jor-El in the background? Maybe he's telepathically saying, "A matching raccoon is every piebald heroine's perfect accessory as she reclines in an extremely uncomfortable chair."
I like the leggings, though. As we've seen before, I have a fondness for leggings.
And finally, A picture of my poor little guinea pig Maelion who is under the weather with a (really gross, kinda zombie-looking) infected eye. I know you're all sending her cyber-broccoli and wishing her to get well soon!

"Come, Mister that we have destroyed Krypton we must move onto Earth to initiate a new 'War of the Worlds.'"
I actually think those might both me red pandas in spaaaaaace.
Jesus, am I trying to identify mid-sized mammals on the covers of pulp sci-fi now? At least I'm not trying to figure out the geopolitical distribution of Pluggers contributors (and yes, TurtleBoy, I'm gonna post a link to that in the next couple of days!).
When our guinea pig got that puffy, zombie, milky eye thing, we kept it moist with eye drops from the health food store and rubbed neosporin on it twice daily. It went away after about a week and a half. I'm just sayin'.
Excellent blog, and big "get well soon"s to little Maelion (best guinea pig name EVER!)
That's Jor-El, not Jar-El.
Blame docturtle. He's the one who spelled it for me. Guess he was thinking of Jar-Jar Binks (shudder)?
And to think that you paid over $100 to a vet when you could have cured Mai by homeopathic solutions. So much for the medical industry. Here is just another means for help through the blogosphere. Thank G-d I've made it to the 21st century.
Oh please disregard the previous blogger's name. It was I, Maughta Mom.
She seems to be contemplating smacking the red panda/raccoon with her book...
That first one does look like a red panda.
The second is a genetically modified racoon or "coonie", kept as pets in the future. And the cool leggings are featured on all the covers of the series (it's a fun costume to make for cons). Oop, did I just give away that I'm a nutty McCaffrey fan?! Seriously though, the books are good.
Good luck with Maelion's eye!
Have I told you all the story of how Mr. Van Lustbader and his kinky raccoon fetish nearly cost me a friend? I bought that girl/raccoon book for a friend of mine a few years ago. The backcover description sounded like the sort of thing my friend would like. The next time I saw him, he gave me a pained look and then asked me if I had liked the book. When I told him I hadn't read it, he breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good," he said, "I had thought that you didn't like me anymore."
The cover babe may be generic, but I still think the critter is cute.
Strange. I have a copy of Damia and I don't recall noticing the small mammal on the cover before. But yet that looks exactly like the cover I have.
I think I was distracted by her dress, which:
1. Has a shorter mini-dress underneath it.
2. Is apparently always trod upon when she sits down. How does one function in a dress that looks like it's twice as long as it should be?
Is Damia the book where the heroine hooks up with her surrogate uncle? Or what that a different book with essentially the same cover?
Racoons must be a very obscure furry fetish.
Grace Coolidge brought raccoons into fashion; it just took the rest of the world a few centuries to catch up.
When I was thirteen, I attempted to dress up as an Anne McCaffrey -style telepath. Needless to say, none of the neighbors got it.
@ Snow: A year too late, but yes, that's when Damia hooks up with her surrogate uncle (he was also her godfather, and something like 30 years older, and oh my I've read too much McCaffrey).
I love the book Damia, even if it IS a bit creepy when I think about it too hard (I may be ruining this for someone, but Damia, the woman on the cover, ends up with Afra, who's old enough to have married her mother and even had a crush on her mother at one time). Btw, "Jor-El" on the cover is probably Afra. Ick.
This is not sci-fi for fans of hard SF - this is sci-fi for people who maybe normally read fantasy. I fall into that category. I can't stand hard SF, but I can understand how someone who does like it would hate something like these two books.
I personally think he looks more like Spike than Jor-el, but maybe I've just got Buffy on the brain.
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