I'm sorry, chica, but the real enemy is not "SATAN" (those quotes represent Dana Carvey as the Church Lady doing finger quotes, by the way....work with me here, people, being funny in print is so much harder than in-person snark!)...where was I? Oh, yeah. The real enemy is the sun. That great big ball of flaming gas in the sky is don't terrible things to your skin. Sheesh, you look like you've been rode hard and put away wet, girlfriend. I don't care if you're on the cover of a Christian novel, put a little moisturizer around those eyes. Jesus will forgive you for "tarting" up.
Then maybe we can talk about your lip gloss color...
Actually, there was an unfortunate transposition in the translation from Aramaic to Latin -- SANTA is the real Enemy!
-- Feral Boy
I think she subscribes to the "Who Farted?" method of cover art posing.
For once I don't think this cover is bad...it looks like her wrinkles are supposed to indicate that she's a rugged cop or something.
One of my kids put me onto your site. Awesome. Actually if she didn't look like death warmed over, how would you know she was a "Christian"?
The real enemy? A cop who needs beauty tips!
Wow this chick is freak-a-licous. Zombie time babe...
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