What in the world is going on with this cover? It looks like robots fighting in front of a rock wall with petraglyphs. Is that a sword or a chainsaw? Are those wings behind the sword/chainsaw? Maybe that's the fallen angel -- he fell into the middle of a robot battlefield. Poor angel. Your soft flesh won't stand a chance against the mechnized menaces here. Fly away while you still can.
All the things you mention are instantly understandable to the market the book is aimed at, people who play Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 games or follow the fiction set in the WH40K setting.
That's one that you would think you need content to understand, but it's really this, those aren't robots, there really tough dudes in power armor (The Spanish Inquisition outfitted by Iron Man).
That's actually that whole series of books, really. The Spanish Inquisition, but everybody is Iron Man. A niche market, really.
Too right, Mporcius. I love me some Warhammer 40K
Dave, I loved your description: "The Spanish Inquisition, but everybody is Iron Man." Just when I thought my nightmres were starting to get a little bit dull!
Oh yeah. It's a chainsword, which is awesome levels of awesomeness. Think how much better Star Wars would be with chainswords instead of light sabers. Or Romeo and Juliet, for that matter. Or Office Space.
Yep. The whole thing makes perfect sense to me too.
The weapon is a "Chainsword"
I'm just excited to see a book I own on this site. Boo-Yah!
Heresy! 40k = awesome.
I tried reading some of my boyfriend's Warhammer 40K novels and couldn't handle it.
Game looks awesome though.
I love me some Warhammer 40k fiction as well, but I have to say those Horus heresy covers are pretty bad. They tend to be too cluttered and busy and the big black box for the title takes up too much space.
I read Warhammer (though not the Horus Heresy series) and I still can't figure those HH covers out.
Horus Heresy series: First two were good, have not read others.
Horus Heresy covers: laughably abysmal.
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