I can't think of a better way to describe this cover than "cheap and dirty." Mammary Monday comes a few days and several cup sizes late.
Saturn's Children by Charles Stross features a femmebot (according the Amazon blurb, but I've also heard the character described as a sexbot), but there's no reason the cover has to be this bad. Would you read this book in public? Maybe, if you were the 13 year old boy who created the cover in 20 minutes with Lightwave. And what's that in her hand? A breast implant?
By the way, sorry for the hiatus, folks. Maughta and DocTurtle are being held hostage by a pack of rabid sexbots.
Rabid Sexbots? We can respect the delay. There are some situations in life that you just can't ~hurry~ with.
Maybe the poor dear didn't get zipper instruction in her programming. GAH
Those breasts are practically shoulder pads, they're so high up.
I just reviewed this book. The sexbot this cover is supposed to represent never does have this color hair in the book.
And, yes, I removed the dust jacket before I'd be seen in public with the book. Don't judge me.
It's like the 21st-century version of Heinlein's "Friday," only more tawdry.
Given that the book is in part a pastiche of late-era Heinlein, including Friday, I expect the publisher was referencing that exact cover.
plus, of course, the british cover looks much better (as almost always)
I misread the title as "SATAN'S Children.
Judging by the anatomy on the cover, I'm guessing that whoever built the sexbot a) was male and b) had never seen a woman in his entire life.
Here is the link to Charles Stross's blog about the cover.
It's only an homage if it looks good. I think that Friday should view this cover as an insult.
In public? Nope. In a darkened closet under 3 layers of blankets...? Still nope. ;)
Rarely does one see artist-rendered breasts as bad as that. On BadPlasticSurgery.com, yes; but by an artist? Must have hired a blind misogynist with Tourette's...
sadly, it look like BadPlasticSurgery.Com is just placeholder site. But I did go look.
-- Feral Boy
You neglected to mention that Freya's long, long, long legs are on the back cover, making it a rare "fold-out" cover.
The book's a lot better than the cover art, though that's really not saying much...
I've heard this book is really good, but I'll have to get the hardback version so I can take the dust jacket off. I won't be seen with it in public!
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