
Whenever I feel that my life sucks too much...

... I read this book.
Death is a subject too often thought of as a "heavy," depressing topic. What happened to the fun? What happened to the humor? What happened to making fun of death? Oh ... that was just MY family? Ok.

I absolutely adore the dinosaur's expression -- he looks so incredibly shocked and sad all at once. Deceptively simple yet amazing artwork, in my completely uneducated-about-art opinion.

Check out the pictures from inside (note, the ones of the old man are backwards, so start from the right or it won't make sense). Hilarious. I'm totally buying this book.

Happy Hump Day.*

(*please note: in no way am I implying that this book is appropriate for Hump Wednesdays on this blog. Even MY family isn't THAT weird. I'm just rejoicing that we're half way through the work week.)


Naresh R said...

I agree...the mere thought of death is scary..specially when there are great possessions in one's life

kaye said...

A very Interesting read.

kaye said...

an intersting book. the title itself

Pink Noveau said...

Hahah! that is soo funny totally right! lol!

Unknown said...

Totally agree with the expression, especially as it looks like he has just been told the news. "Whhhaaa?" says the dinosaur.

Unknown said...

My roommate has this book and it is so cute! I fully enjoyed the 4 minutes it took to read. :)