The gals over at Smart Bitches Trashy Books are honing in on my turf, yo (and doing it rather well). They're having a Caption That Cover contest; slide your sword on into that scabbard!
De gustibus non est disputandum. There's no accounting for taste.
I would not read this hahaha. It looks too sci-fi for me. And kind of like a bad read.
Shawna's Study Abroad
His tattoo is *glowing*! He must have got it done at a nuclear plant.
Yeah, I wouldn't read this on the bus or anything, but I might keep the book to look at the cover when I'm mad at my boyfriend (why do I never date anyone with that body??).
No freaking way! I saw this cover yesterday at the bookstore I went to and my boyfriend and I laughed our butts off for like ten minutes at the positioning of the sword!
I seriously thought of this blog, too. I was like "This is the perfect Phallic Phriday cover", but it turns out you posted it on Tuesday.
Wow! Even by Turgid Tuesday standards, that cover is really BLATANT!
Splitting hairs, I know (much like the sword on the cover), but the phrase you meant to use was "homing in on" not "honing in on" The former came from aircraft approaching a home beacon; the latter refers to honing skills. Close though :)
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