So Maughta's got me listed as a co-author on her blog, and I've got a couple of other blogs on Blogspot, including my decidedly-less-well-read-than-
Judge-a-Book-by-its-Cover blog about math pedagogy,
Change of Basis. It seems that when I went to post on the latter this morning, I accidentally posted on the former. (No, it was
not a pathetic attempt to cash in on Maughta's internet popularity, which is inarguably exponentially greater than my own...not that I'm
bitter about it...or anything...I mean, what do
I care? I'm...
happy...about her success...I'm...just
fine...with what if no wants to read about what
I have to say? It doesn't matter...not at
My bad.
Sorry about that, folks.
We now resume our bad cover art snarkitude, already in progress...
...shoulda seen the size of the package on that one! Dog will
In other news, faithful reader Laura sends us evidence that crappy cover art is not confined to a single linguistic tradition. Behold,
¡AtenciĆ³n...platillos volantes!:
Ay, chihuahua. One might think that not wearing one's helmet vitiates the effectiveness of the spacesuit/oxygen tanks one is wearing. Apparently one would be wrong. One might also think that one ought not wear angular undergarments whose pointy bits threaten to break through the fabric of one's spacesuit, not to mention the fabric of space-time. On this point, too, one would be in error.
What is the
luchador del espacio ("space warrior") doing to the alien invader, power washing it a with a high-luster waxing compound?
Back on planet Earth (I think), Nomad reader sends us this provocatively-titled tome:

Hey, whatever folks wanna do in the privacy of their own homes is
fine by me. What I find funniest about the cover (title aside) is the helicopter-shot we've got of grandma waving goodbye as we sail off into the clouds...or into the ceiling fan, anyway. I'm sure the artist's intent was to get a shot of Ms. Burns standing amidst an assortment of her handiwork, but the effect is awkward and disorienting. Her queen-like wave just makes it worse.
Sorry again for the unintentional cross-bloggification. Thanks go out to our ever-eager cover submitters, and our devoted fans. Keep it comin'! You may now recommence commenting.