I'm a Lazy Bitch
DocTurtle and I recently purchased a 2006 Honda Civic Hybrid, so I've been driving all over the mountains of NC in my new toy (and working extra hours to pay for it!). I won 1200 nickels on the slots at Cherokee, which sounds like a lot more than it is (my mom, maughtamom, can top me; she won 60,000 pennies once). But in the meantime, I've been neglecting you sorely, for which I apologize. Thanks for sticking with me.
So of course, after that apology, I'm still not posting (not really). Just wanted to let you know that I've been nominated (yay!) for Top 10 Blogs to read in 2008 by LISNews. Thanks to effinglibrarian and anonymous for nominating me. Cross your fingers, ya'll.
More covers to come soon, I promise!
Nazis are Evil

Who are the good guys? I have a sinking suspicion it's the naziesque chick (niiiiice boots, very S and M) wielding the laser against the poor pirate armed only with a knife. Overkill much? But that kinda reminds me of the movie Starship Troopers, in which Dr. Doogie, SS, is mean and kills things. And we're supposed to cheer. Grrrr, I hated that movie.
A really good movie that takes on the whole Nazis vs. good guys is Wizards, in which it's basically the Third Reich vs. the faeries. Buxom faeries kick ass! Boo ya!
So, repeat after me:
Pirates....GOOD ('specially if they're Johnny Depp...roowl!)
Faeries...VERY GOOD
Doogie Houser...CHEESY
Starship Troopers...FASCIST
See how easy it is?
UPDATE: Speaking of Nazis, doesn't Hilter look like he's conducting an opera? Allegro!