Billy Budd -- Good Book, Bad Cover
"Check me out, ladies. I've got a mullet, a pornstache*, and a rakishly-tilted kerchief round my neck...I'm ready for action!"
"No, no! Look at me, baby! I've got a tattoo! My kerchief is bigger, too! Of course, I've got this creepy guy staring over my shoulder..."
The Natural -- Good Book, Bad Cover
- Creepy Clown
- Mysterious Ghostly Gypsy
- Basketball Players from a Different Book
- Ollie North
- Vampy Transvestite
And a host of others, all surrounding Dick Tracy at bat with a HUGE...peni...ummm...right thigh.
Anything by Anthony Trollope -- Good Book, Bad Cover

Drawn in ink and dipped in urine for your reading pleasure.
And finally, Good Book about Jesus -- Bad Cover
Jesus' disembodied head is staring at you!
Okay, confession time. I thought long and hard about this book 'cause it's written by my advisor from grad school, and she's super scary. But nowhere in the book does it say "Thanks to Maughta, without whom my life would have no meaning," so I feel justified in this scurrilous attack. Hell hath no fury like a graduate student scorned. A-J, if you're reading this, please don't hunt me down and kill me, but seriously, couldn't you have picked a better picture of Jesus?! Maybe one that looked Jewish? (Yeah, you'd maybe have to draw that yourself, but surely it'd be better!) Jesus's aquiline nose is frightening the bejeebus out of me. Amazingly good book, though.
In other news, just got a link in my e-mail from Pistil Books that you've got the check out: The Museum of Weird Books. I think you'll enjoy it!
*MaughtaMom and other easily confused people: pornstache means a mustache that looks like it should be on a porn star