I've got an under dog right now. Burnsie likes to try and crawl between me and the chair IN WHICH I'M SITTING making for a very squashed dog under my butt.
RichterCa suggests, and I agree, that the following really needs to be added to the Lord's Prayer. Lead us not into the Land of Zombies, but Deliver us from Wolves...
...and get this freakin' branch off my head!
So a while back I get an e-mail from TheCritic saying that I've just got to find a copy of the White Hotel because he'd given the book away but remembers the cover with some kind of serious fear and awe. Alas, I searched all over, but no luck. Yesterday I get an e-mail from TheCritic letting me know that the cover had SOOOOOO disturbed him that he went out of his way to track down his friend and have the cover scanned. Now you, too, can be frightened by the White Hotel (inside cover):

I....I....I'm just speechless. It's worrisome when the LEAST disturbing thing on a cover is a NAZI!
And finally, PH sends us what could quite possibly be the mascot of this site. It's an awesome cover (since when have merhorses, chartreuse, and fuchsia NOT gone together?) but I think you'll agree the title was made for Judge a Book.